Clinical Support and Genetic Counseling

Bionano Laboratories offers clinical support to address any questions or concerns from both ordering providers and families undergoing testing.

Topics discussed with providers might include:

  • Selecting the best test for your patient
  • Inquiring if a previous result has been updated since the original issue date
  • Obtaining genetic counseling for your patient and their family
  • Questions concerning the interpretation and discussion of your patient’s report

Topics discussed during genetic counseling sessions with families might include:

  • Pre-test
    • What does this testing do?
    • How can it help?
    • How likely is it to find a diagnosis?
    • Can this happen again?
  • Post-test
    • A detailed review test results
    • A step-by-step breakdown of the report, including an explanation of any scientific terms, how the result may be playing a role on the patient’s health, and discussion of potential next steps
    • Answers to commonly asked questions
      • Should the patient see any other specialist?
      • What do we do with this information?
      • Could this have been inherited from me?

Explore more genetic counseling services

To speak with a genetic counselor, please schedule an appointment online or call our genetic counseling line at 801.931.6191. A genetic counseling assistant will direct you to an available genetic counselor, or, if more appropriate, schedule a genetic counseling session. You can also email questions, requests, or concerns to and we will respond to within 24 hours or contact you by phone if requested.


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